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Terms & Conditions

Service Specific Terms & Conditions (“SSTC”) – Maxis Postpaid Watch Connect 18

Version [20th October 2022]

Service Specific Terms & Conditions (“SSTC”) – Maxis Postpaid Watch Connect 18

    1. The Plan: Maxis Postpaid Watch Connect 18 (“Watch”).
    2. You: Person(s) signing up for the Maxis Postpaid Watch Connect 18.
    3. The use of the Plan(s) and Service(s) is subject to the General Terms & Conditions (“GTC” ) at, Service Specific Terms & Conditions ( “SSTC” ), Maxis Fair Usage Policy and any other applicable terms and conditions, all at
    4. Capitalised terms herein have the same meaning as defined in the GTC.
    5. Any conflict or inconsistency between this SSTC, the GTC and Summary Terms and Conditions (“STC”), shall be construed in the following order of precedence: (a) SSTC; (b) GTC; and (c) STC.
    6. Further, the Plan(s) is subject to SSTC – Maxis Zerolution Contract for Devices at For clarity, any conflict or inconsistency between this SSTC and SSTC – Maxis Zerolution Contract for Devices, this SSTC shall take precedence.
    7. We reserve the rights without liability, to revise this SSTC, Plan and our pricing. Where reasonably practicable, we will give you reasonable advance notice of such changes and all previous versions of our user guides or leaflets will be superseded. You accept you are responsible for regularly reviewing information on the Plan and Service(s) at, including changes to the Agreement. Your continued use of the Service(s) and/or Plan (after the Effective Date of any revision/change to the terms and conditions of Services and/or Plan) shall constitute unconditional acceptance by you of such revisions/changes and you shall be bound by the same. If you do not accept such revisions/changes, you will terminate the Plan and/or the use of the Services by giving us notice within 28 days from the Effective Date failing which you are assumed to have accepted the changes.
    1. You must be an existing subscriber for any of Maxis Postpaid Plan 98, 108, 128, 158, 188, 248, 368 or Maxis Postpaid Share 48 or Maxis Family Plan 299, 399, 499 to be eligible to sign up for this Plan.
    2. You are ineligible for this Plan if you owe us any payments.
    3. This Plan is inapplicable to you if you are a commercial user and/or bulk subscriber.
    1. Charges and fees of the Plan are published on our official website at,
      as updated by us from time to time. Charges published are exclusive of all applicable taxes.
    1. We reserve the rights at any time, without being liable to you or any third party, to interrupt, bar, suspend, restrict the Service(s) for such time as we see fit or terminate, discontinue or disconnect the Service(s) if your usage:as updated by us from time to time. Charges published are exclusive of all
      applicable taxes.
      • shows excessive usage or placing unusual burdens on our Network;
      • is for unlawful activities or for suspected fraudulent activities;
      • is not in accordance with the Maxis Fair Usage Policy at; or
      • is for commercial/non-personal purposes.
    2. We reserve the rights at any time, without being liable to you or any third party, to block the IMEI of the Watch if you fail to make full payment of any amount due within 14 days of the statement due date.
    1. For data allocated with the Plan, you acknowledge and accept that:
      • You will experience data browsing at reduced speeds with no excess charges if your usage of data exceeds the allocated mobile internet; and
      • The mobile internet package allocated within the Plan is exclusively for domestic usage only.
    1. Roaming services are not available with this Plan.
    1. You will only be able to enjoy the benefits of the Services after the activation of your subscribed Maxis Postpaid Plan 98, 108, 128, 158, 188, 248, 368 or Maxis Postpaid Share 48 or Maxis Family Plan 299, 399, 499, as the case may be. For clarity:
      • if for any reason, your subscription of Maxis Postpaid Plan 98, 108, 128, 158, 188, 248, 368 and/or Maxis Postpaid Share 48 and/or Maxis Family Plan 299, 399, 499 fails to be activated, you are deemed not to have been registered for the Plan; and
      • if your subscription of Maxis Postpaid Plan 98, 128, 158, 188, 248, 368 and/or Maxis Postpaid Share 48 and/or Maxis Family Plan 299, 399, 499 is successfully activated, you are deemed to have registered for the respective Plan.
      • Upon registration for the Plan, your Maxis Postpaid Plan 98, 108, 128, 158, 188, 248, 368 and/or Maxis Postpaid Share 48 and/or Maxis Family Plan 299, 399, 499 mobile line must be active if you want to enjoy the benefits under the Plan.
    1. Subject to our GTC, a principal line holder may at any time terminate the Plan as follows:
    2. Your Plan will be terminated if you make any changes to your Plan other than an upgrade.
    3. We reserve our right to terminated if you relocated and have been relocated to an area outside of Service(s) coverage area.
    4. Upon termination of your Plan, all benefits under the Plan will automatically cease on the termination date.