Industry statement on SWN

We, Celcom Axiata Berhad, Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd, Maxis Berhad and U Mobile Sdn Bhd (“MNOs”) welcome the Cabinet’s decision to continue with the Single Wholesale Network (SWN) model, as well as the offer for MNOs to take up an equity stake in DNB. We will engage with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, MCMC, and key industry players on further details on implementation of the model, including the proposed shareholding offer and transaction process.
We are committed to realising the country’s digital ambitions and believe in the benefits that 5G will bring to businesses, customers, and government in strengthening Malaysia’s competitiveness in the region. We believe that a successful 5G deployment for Malaysia will be built on the principles of transparency, sustainability, and security.
We look forward to working on the next steps to build robust and future-proof communications infrastructure for Malaysia.