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Maxis Network Site first in Malaysia to be certified with ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems

Maxis Network Site first in Malaysia to be certified with ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems
  • Certification awarded to Maxis Berhad by SIRIM QAS International
  • Recognition a testament to Maxis’ efforts to reduce its environmental footprint, use resources more efficiently, and minimise waste

Maxis’ Subang Hi-Tech Technical Operations Centre (“TOC”) is the first telco network site in Malaysia to be awarded the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems (“EMS”) certification by SIRIM QAS International. The certification recognises the planning, design, operations and maintenance of equipment and facilities at the TOC.

ISO 14001:2015 identifies the requirements for an EMS that an organisation can apply to improve its environmental performance. It helps organisations manage environmental responsibilities in a systematic way and achieve intended environmental goals. It also drives companies to enhance environmental performance by taking a full view of their goods and services supply chain.

The company’s Chief Network Officer, Abdul Karim Fakir Ali, received the certification from SIRIM QAS International Chief Executive Officer, Hjh. Nur Fadhilah Muhammad, at the Maxis Business Innovation Centre in Menara Maxis this afternoon.


“Congratulations to Maxis on this significant certification. I’m pleased to see innovative organisations like Maxis taking the essential steps to enhance their environmental performance and minimise their operations’ environmental impact, granting them a competitive edge in the market. I hope to see more organisations take strategic approaches to managing their environmental responsibilities,” - Hjh.Nur Fadhilah Muhammad.

Abdul Karim said as responsible corporate citizens, Maxis continuously strives to integrate sustainability practices into its business operations to create meaningful impact on people and the planet.


“We’re extremely proud of this recognition, as it signifies that we are on the right track in our EMS implementation at the Subang Hi-Tech TOC and can emulate the same controls in other Maxis TOCs around Malaysia. We will continue to monitor and deploy initiatives to ensure sustainable operations, improve operation efficiency, meet compliance requirements, and build stakeholders’ trust in our business.” - Abdul Karim