eKelas Usahawan travels to Langkawi for an entrepreneurship workshop

Online businesses in Malaysia still rely on social media platforms, mainly Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, to promote their products and services. Through eKelas Usahawan, Maxis supports entrepreneurs in their digitalision journey by sharing key concepts, including how to best use social media platforms to promote and grow their online businesses.
On 20 June 2023, eKelas Usahawan, in partnership with LADA (Langkawi Development Authority), reached 101 entreprenuers. Participants were taught practical steps to improve their social media strategy in order to drive sales. For example, entrepreneurs were taught the most effective time to post on Instagram in order to secure the highest number views and amplify their engagement.
In addition to sharing insights with the participants, our trainer also answered many questions about this topic.
Sharizana Binti Saharudin, restaurant operator of Sri Pulau Enterprise shared: “Content menarik dan memberi gambaran lebih jelas mengenai keperluan pasaran digital untuk memajukan lagi perniagaan” (The content is interesting and gives clearer picture of the needs of the digital marketing to further develop my business).
Nurul Fasya Asyiekin Bt Abdullah, from the tour agency Avanté Holidays Sdn Bhd said: “Modul modul yg diberikan sgt membantu para usahawan supaya dpt menarik lebih pelanggan” (The modules provided are very helpful for entrepreneurs to attract more customers).