eKelas Usahawan continues its partnership with SME Corp, this time in Miri, Sarawak

Nur Syahirah binti Barhan, an optometrist and a retailer shared: “Sgt membantu membuka minda untuk lebih fokus utk masuk ke bidang digital utk membantu perniagaan saya” ((the programme) is very helpful and has opened my eyes to focus more on digitization to help me with my business).
Emillia Binti Abdullah from the services industry said: “program ini sangat bermanfaat untuk usahawan-usahawan yang baru berkecimpung dlm dunia pendigitalan pemasaran” (this program is very beneficial for entrepreneurs who are new to the world of digital marketing).
These are some of the comments we received from the 80 participants who attended the eKelas Usahawan workshop, in collaboration with SME Corp for Minggu PMKS (Perusahaan Mikro, Kecil dan Sederhana) in Miri, Sarawak on June 24, 2023. We look forward to future collaborations for Minggu PMKS in the future.