Going Big: eKelas aims to welcome 600 schools in 2021
Four months into the year and eKelas has been welcoming more teachers and students to join the wave and make use of the various content and activities provided in the portal. With the support of our Ministry of Education, eKelas has embraced over 180 in previous years. For this year, the initiative aims to amplify itself and expand its bandwidth to 600 schools.
With the help of the State Education Department from every part of Malaysia, briefings and onboarding sessions have begun to enrol schools into the platform. The program embarked on their 2021 school onboarding series at the end of March with 120 schools from Sarawak then continued to virtually meet teachers and representatives of the State Education Department from 10 other states, forming connections with a total of 510 schools across Malaysia.

The onboarding session conducted via Zoom attended by the teachers and rep from the State Education Department
In the virtual briefings, a dialogue was initiated on the program’s backgrounds, offerings and even pitched the all-new revamped HIP English StoryFest Competition that will be running until the 31st of May in 2021. Find out more about the competition at www.ekelas.com.my/english-hip-smk/.