1,000 teachers participated in first Maxis eKelas teachers forum

With students going back to learning from home since 17 May 2021, the reality is, students classrooms are now likely their dining tables, teachers may have to facilitate classes from their living rooms, while parents have to work from home while overseeing the online learning process. Everyone is adapting and finding the best way to accomplish learning and teaching in this new norm. While teachers are more prepared this time around, making learning fun and vibrant is still a hot topic among teachers.
To help with this, eKelas hosted 2 virtual forum sessions on ‘How to Be ‘HIP’ Beyond the Classroom’ on 29th May and 5th June. It was a highly interactive forum joined by close to 1,000 teachers across Malaysia. This is indeed a proud moment and new milestone for eKelas as we continue to make a positive impact in the Malaysian education space.
To ensure we delivered meaningful insights, Maxis eKelas brought in experienced panelists: Dominic Luc, Head of the Expressive Arts department in Asia Pacific International school, Puan Sallina Hussain, Former Johor Deputy Director of Education, and Sir Asai, Celebrity Tik Tok English Teacher to share their tips and tricks. Teachers engaged in lively discussions, posing questions and sharing their challenges and experience in making remote teaching hip and fun. We heard stories on the ways they encouraged shy students to turn on their cameras and how they themselves needed to be ‘hip’ with Tik Tok, drama and even Korean songs to encourage students’ participations.
We are glad to assist teachers and will be continuing to find more ways to contribute to the education sector in Malaysia.