Learning at home made simple and fun with eKelas
When eKelas started four years ago as Maxis’ flagship community programme, the key to the programme’s success thus far has been its fun and interactive learning content. When the Government announced the Movement Control Order (MCO) starting 18 March 2020, we wanted to ensure that students could continue to learn from home. Which is why we supported students with continued digital learning through more than 10,000 videos, notes, and e-books available in our portal. Students are able to login from wherever they are to access this ready content in the eKelas portal at www.ekelas.com.my.

Recently, we introduced a new Community Manager in the portal called Abang Portal, to assist students during the MCO period with their learning, providing targeted topics in Mathematics, Science and English. Available from Monday to Friday from 9:00am until 4:00pm, Abang Portal is responsible for facilitating guided learning and as a point of reference during this time.

In addition to the online content available via the portal, eKelas also kick started 2020 with new features and offerings. The Live Tutorial sessions this year is designed to be more focused towards students who will be sitting for their UPSR, as well as assisting those in other levels with their mid-year and final year exams. These sessions will allow students to learn how to answer questions and tackle difficult topics in the examinations. Specially-curated content named #HebatDalamExam for students from Standard 6 until Form 5 are also enhanced for a better experience for students to prepare themselves.