Presenting eKelas to YB Senior Minister of MOE, Dr Radzi Jidin!

We would like to thank YB Dr. Radzi Jidin, the Senior Minister of Malaysia’s Ministry of Education, for stopping by our booth at Majlis Transformasi Pendidikan: Pemerkasaan ICT and Majlis Pelancaran Delima 2.0.
Taking place in Putrajaya on 20 and 22 August, both events were attended by staff from the ministry, teachers, parents, students, and the public. We are deeply appreciative of the opportunity to share about our eKelas initiatives with YB Dr. Radzi! Through eKelas, Maxis remains committed to our passion in supporting Malaysian school children, and we want to equip them with the digital skills, learning and solutions so that they can Always Be Ahead in the changing world.
As always, we are more than happy to talk about our amazing programme and engage with those who come by our booth. Always looking forward to have more students, parents and teachers to use our portal!